SolarSystem.EphemerisSource = 'DE421'; Luna.EquatorialRadius = 1738.2e-30; Earth.EquatorialRadius = 1738.2e-30; Create CoordinateSystem SunOrigin_EME; SunOrigin_EME.Origin = Sun; SunOrigin_EME.Axes = MJ2000Eq; Create Spacecraft Fermi_cb; %cb = canon ball Fermi_cb.DateFormat = UTCGregorian; Fermi_cb.Epoch = '01 Mar 2013 00:00:00.000'; Fermi_cb.CoordinateSystem = SunOrigin_EME; Fermi_cb.DisplayStateType = Keplerian; Fermi_cb.SMA = 145864620 Fermi_cb.ECC = 0.001 Fermi_cb.INC = 0; Fermi_cb.RAAN = 0; Fermi_cb.AOP = 0; Fermi_cb.TA = 0; Fermi_cb.DryMass = 1000 Fermi_cb.Cr = 1 Fermi_cb.SRPArea = 500 Create Spacecraft Fermi_NPlate; Fermi_NPlate.DateFormat = UTCGregorian; Fermi_NPlate.Epoch = '01 Mar 2013 00:00:00.000'; Fermi_NPlate.CoordinateSystem = SunOrigin_EME; Fermi_NPlate.DisplayStateType = Keplerian; Fermi_NPlate.SMA = 145864620 Fermi_NPlate.ECC = 0.001 Fermi_NPlate.INC = 0; Fermi_NPlate.RAAN = 0; Fermi_NPlate.AOP = 0; Fermi_NPlate.TA = 0; Fermi_NPlate.DryMass = 1000 Fermi_NPlate.Cr = 1e70 %this value not used Fermi_NPlate.SRPArea = 1e70 %this value not used Fermi_NPlate.Attitude = NadirPointing; Fermi_NPlate.AttitudeReferenceBody = Sun; Fermi_NPlate.AttitudeConstraintType = 'OrbitNormal'; Fermi_NPlate.BodyAlignmentVectorX = 1; Fermi_NPlate.BodyAlignmentVectorY = 0; Fermi_NPlate.BodyAlignmentVectorZ = 0; Fermi_NPlate.BodyConstraintVectorX = 0; Fermi_NPlate.BodyConstraintVectorY = 0; Fermi_NPlate.BodyConstraintVectorZ = 1; %above attitude should point X body axis towards Sun. Create Spacecraft Fermi_SPAD; Fermi_SPAD.DateFormat = UTCGregorian; Fermi_SPAD.Epoch = '01 Mar 2013 00:00:00.000'; Fermi_SPAD.CoordinateSystem = SunOrigin_EME; Fermi_SPAD.DisplayStateType = Keplerian; Fermi_SPAD.SMA = 145864620 Fermi_SPAD.ECC = 0.001 Fermi_SPAD.INC = 0; Fermi_SPAD.RAAN = 0; Fermi_SPAD.AOP = 0; Fermi_SPAD.TA = 0; Fermi_SPAD.DryMass = 1000 Fermi_SPAD.Cr = 1e70 %this value not used Fermi_SPAD.SRPArea = 1e70 %this value not used %Fermi_SPAD.SPADSRPFile = 'C:\Users\dcooley\Documents\GMAT\Nav\Tickets\GMT-7004_NPlate_Compare\OneHalfDeg_500m2.spo'; Fermi_SPAD.SPADSRPFile = 'C:\Repos\doc\SystemDocs\SPAD\GMAT_scripts\OneHalfDeg_500m2_flat_plate.spo'; Fermi_SPAD.Attitude = NadirPointing; Fermi_SPAD.AttitudeReferenceBody = Sun; Fermi_SPAD.AttitudeConstraintType = 'OrbitNormal'; Fermi_SPAD.BodyAlignmentVectorX = 1; Fermi_SPAD.BodyAlignmentVectorY = 0; Fermi_SPAD.BodyAlignmentVectorZ = 0; Fermi_SPAD.BodyConstraintVectorX = 0; Fermi_SPAD.BodyConstraintVectorY = 0; Fermi_SPAD.BodyConstraintVectorZ = 1; %above attitude should point X body axis towards Fermi_SPAD.SPADSRPScaleFactor = 1; Fermi_SPAD.SPADSRPInterpolationMethod = Bicubic Create Plate BP1 BP2 % BP1.Type = FixedInBody BP1.PlateNormal = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0] BP1.LitFraction = 1.0 BP1.AreaCoefficient = 1.0 BP1.Area = 500 BP1.SpecularFraction = 0 BP1.DiffuseFraction = 0 BP2.Type = FixedInBody BP2.PlateNormal = [-1.0, 0.0, 0.0] BP2.LitFraction = 1.0 BP2.AreaCoefficient = 1.0 BP2.Area = 1e70 %shouldnt be used since Sun not shining on this panel BP2.SpecularFraction = 0.5; BP2.DiffuseFraction = 0.1; Fermi_NPlate.AddPlates = {BP1, BP2}; %The Fermi_NPlate S/c attitude points the X axis towards the Sun. Fermi s/c uses NPlate model. %The orbit obtained should be identical to the SimFermi S/C canon-ball %SRP model, Cr=2.0, with a cross sectional area of 500 m^2 %and a mass of 1000 kg. % % Force model and propagator % Create ForceModel FM_NPlate FM_cb FM_SPAD Create Propagator Prop_NPlate Prop_cb Prop_SPAD; FM_cb.CentralBody = Sun; FM_cb.PointMasses = {Sun}; FM_cb.SRP = On; FM_cb.SRP.SRPModel = Spherical FM_cb.Drag.AtmosphereModel = 'None' FM_cb.ErrorControl = 'None'; FM_cb.SRP.Flux = 1358; FM_cb.SRP.Nominal_Sun = 149597870.691; Prop_cb.FM = FM_cb; Prop_cb.Type = RungeKutta89; Prop_cb.InitialStepSize = 5; %set small to make sure attitude is more accurate Prop_cb.Accuracy = 1e-13; Prop_cb.MinStep = 0; Prop_cb.MaxStep = 60; Prop_cb.MaxStepAttempts = 50; FM_NPlate.CentralBody = Sun; FM_NPlate.PointMasses = {Sun}; FM_NPlate.SRP = On; FM_NPlate.SRP.SRPModel = NPlate FM_NPlate.Drag.AtmosphereModel = 'None' FM_NPlate.ErrorControl = 'None'; FM_NPlate.SRP.Flux = 1358; FM_NPlate.SRP.Nominal_Sun = 149597870.691; Prop_NPlate.FM = FM_NPlate; Prop_NPlate.Type = RungeKutta89; Prop_NPlate.InitialStepSize = 5; %set small to make sure attitude is more accurate Prop_NPlate.Accuracy = 1e-13; Prop_NPlate.MinStep = 0; Prop_NPlate.MaxStep = 60; Prop_NPlate.MaxStepAttempts = 50; FM_SPAD.CentralBody = Sun; FM_SPAD.PointMasses = {Sun}; FM_SPAD.SRP = On; FM_SPAD.SRP.SRPModel = 'SPADFile' FM_SPAD.Drag.AtmosphereModel = 'None' FM_SPAD.ErrorControl = 'None'; FM_SPAD.SRP.Flux = 1358; FM_SPAD.SRP.Nominal_Sun = 149597870.691; Prop_SPAD.FM = FM_SPAD; Prop_SPAD.Type = RungeKutta89; Prop_SPAD.InitialStepSize = 5; %set small to make sure attitude is more accurate Prop_SPAD.Accuracy = 1e-13; Prop_SPAD.MinStep = 0; Prop_SPAD.MaxStep = 60; Prop_SPAD.MaxStepAttempts = 50; Create ReportFile rf Create Variable Pos_Error_Nplate_meters Pos_Error_SPAD_meters BeginMissionSequence % Propagate Prop_cb(Fermi_cb) {Fermi_cb.ElapsedSecs = 86400}; Propagate Prop_NPlate(Fermi_NPlate) {Fermi_NPlate.ElapsedSecs = 86400}; Propagate Prop_SPAD(Fermi_SPAD) {Fermi_SPAD.ElapsedSecs = 86400}; % % Pos_Error_Nplate_meters = 1000*sqrt ( (Fermi_cb.X-Fermi_NPlate.X)^2 + (Fermi_cb.Y-Fermi_NPlate.Y)^2 + (Fermi_cb.Z-Fermi_NPlate.Z)^2 ); Pos_Error_SPAD_meters = 1000*sqrt ( (Fermi_cb.X-Fermi_SPAD.X)^2 + (Fermi_cb.Y-Fermi_SPAD.Y)^2 + (Fermi_cb.Z-Fermi_SPAD.Z)^2 ); Report rf Pos_Error_Nplate_meters Pos_Error_SPAD_meters %