% Script Mission - Hohmann Transfer Example % % This script demonstrates how to target a Hohmann Transfer %---------------------------------------- %---------- Spacecraft %---------------------------------------- Create Spacecraft DefaultSC; GMAT DefaultSC.DateFormat = TAIModJulian; GMAT DefaultSC.Epoch = '21545'; GMAT DefaultSC.CoordinateSystem = EarthMJ2000Eq; GMAT DefaultSC.DisplayStateType = Cartesian; GMAT DefaultSC.X = 7100; GMAT DefaultSC.Y = 0; GMAT DefaultSC.Z = 1300; GMAT DefaultSC.VX = 0; GMAT DefaultSC.VY = 7.35; GMAT DefaultSC.VZ = 1; GMAT DefaultSC.DryMass = 850; GMAT DefaultSC.Cd = 2.2; GMAT DefaultSC.Cr = 1.8; GMAT DefaultSC.DragArea = 15; GMAT DefaultSC.SRPArea = 1; GMAT DefaultSC.NAIFId = -10002001; GMAT DefaultSC.NAIFIdReferenceFrame = -9002001; GMAT DefaultSC.OrbitColor = Red; GMAT DefaultSC.TargetColor = Teal; GMAT DefaultSC.OrbitErrorCovariance = [ 1e+070 0 0 0 0 0 ; 0 1e+070 0 0 0 0 ; 0 0 1e+070 0 0 0 ; 0 0 0 1e+070 0 0 ; 0 0 0 0 1e+070 0 ; 0 0 0 0 0 1e+070 ]; GMAT DefaultSC.CdSigma = 1e+070; GMAT DefaultSC.CrSigma = 1e+070; GMAT DefaultSC.Id = 'SatId'; GMAT DefaultSC.Attitude = CoordinateSystemFixed; GMAT DefaultSC.SPADSRPScaleFactor = 1; GMAT DefaultSC.ModelFile = 'aura.3ds'; GMAT DefaultSC.ModelOffsetX = 0; GMAT DefaultSC.ModelOffsetY = 0; GMAT DefaultSC.ModelOffsetZ = 0; GMAT DefaultSC.ModelRotationX = 0; GMAT DefaultSC.ModelRotationY = 0; GMAT DefaultSC.ModelRotationZ = 0; GMAT DefaultSC.ModelScale = 1; GMAT DefaultSC.AttitudeDisplayStateType = 'Quaternion'; GMAT DefaultSC.AttitudeRateDisplayStateType = 'AngularVelocity'; GMAT DefaultSC.AttitudeCoordinateSystem = EarthMJ2000Eq; GMAT DefaultSC.EulerAngleSequence = '321'; %---------------------------------------- %---------- Propagators %---------------------------------------- Create ForceModel DefaultProp_ForceModel; GMAT DefaultProp_ForceModel.CentralBody = Earth; GMAT DefaultProp_ForceModel.PrimaryBodies = {Earth}; GMAT DefaultProp_ForceModel.Drag = None; GMAT DefaultProp_ForceModel.SRP = Off; GMAT DefaultProp_ForceModel.RelativisticCorrection = Off; GMAT DefaultProp_ForceModel.ErrorControl = RSSStep; GMAT DefaultProp_ForceModel.GravityField.Earth.Degree = 4; GMAT DefaultProp_ForceModel.GravityField.Earth.Order = 4; GMAT DefaultProp_ForceModel.GravityField.Earth.StmLimit = 100; GMAT DefaultProp_ForceModel.GravityField.Earth.PotentialFile = 'JGM2.cof'; GMAT DefaultProp_ForceModel.GravityField.Earth.TideModel = 'None'; %---------------------------------------- %---------- Propagators %---------------------------------------- Create Propagator DefaultProp; GMAT DefaultProp.FM = DefaultProp_ForceModel; GMAT DefaultProp.Type = RungeKutta89; GMAT DefaultProp.InitialStepSize = 60; GMAT DefaultProp.Accuracy = 9.999999999999999e-012; GMAT DefaultProp.MinStep = 0.001; GMAT DefaultProp.MaxStep = 2700; GMAT DefaultProp.MaxStepAttempts = 50; GMAT DefaultProp.StopIfAccuracyIsViolated = true; %---------------------------------------- %---------- Burns %---------------------------------------- Create ImpulsiveBurn TOI; GMAT TOI.CoordinateSystem = Local; GMAT TOI.Origin = Earth; GMAT TOI.Axes = VNB; GMAT TOI.Element1 = 0; GMAT TOI.Element2 = 0; GMAT TOI.Element3 = 0; GMAT TOI.DecrementMass = false; GMAT TOI.Isp = 300; GMAT TOI.GravitationalAccel = 9.810000000000001; Create ImpulsiveBurn GOI; GMAT GOI.CoordinateSystem = Local; GMAT GOI.Origin = Earth; GMAT GOI.Axes = VNB; GMAT GOI.Element1 = 0; GMAT GOI.Element2 = 0; GMAT GOI.Element3 = 0; GMAT GOI.DecrementMass = false; GMAT GOI.Isp = 300; GMAT GOI.GravitationalAccel = 9.810000000000001; %---------------------------------------- %---------- Solvers %---------------------------------------- Create DifferentialCorrector DC; GMAT DC.ShowProgress = true; GMAT DC.ReportStyle = Normal; GMAT DC.ReportFile = 'DifferentialCorrectorDC.data'; GMAT DC.MaximumIterations = 25; GMAT DC.DerivativeMethod = ForwardDifference; GMAT DC.Algorithm = NewtonRaphson; %---------------------------------------- %---------- Plots/Reports %---------------------------------------- Create OrbitView OpenGLPlot1; GMAT OpenGLPlot1.SolverIterations = Current; GMAT OpenGLPlot1.UpperLeft = [ -0.07294117647058823 0.6892857142857143 ]; GMAT OpenGLPlot1.Size = [ 0.8 0.85 ]; GMAT OpenGLPlot1.RelativeZOrder = 135; GMAT OpenGLPlot1.Maximized = false; GMAT OpenGLPlot1.Add = {Earth, DefaultSC}; GMAT OpenGLPlot1.CoordinateSystem = EarthMJ2000Eq; GMAT OpenGLPlot1.DrawObject = [ true true ]; GMAT OpenGLPlot1.DataCollectFrequency = 1; GMAT OpenGLPlot1.UpdatePlotFrequency = 50; GMAT OpenGLPlot1.NumPointsToRedraw = 0; GMAT OpenGLPlot1.ShowPlot = true; GMAT OpenGLPlot1.MaxPlotPoints = 20000; GMAT OpenGLPlot1.ShowLabels = true; GMAT OpenGLPlot1.ViewPointReference = Earth; GMAT OpenGLPlot1.ViewPointVector = [ 0 0 30000 ]; GMAT OpenGLPlot1.ViewDirection = Earth; GMAT OpenGLPlot1.ViewScaleFactor = 5; GMAT OpenGLPlot1.ViewUpCoordinateSystem = EarthMJ2000Eq; GMAT OpenGLPlot1.ViewUpAxis = Z; GMAT OpenGLPlot1.EclipticPlane = Off; GMAT OpenGLPlot1.XYPlane = On; GMAT OpenGLPlot1.WireFrame = Off; GMAT OpenGLPlot1.Axes = On; GMAT OpenGLPlot1.Grid = Off; GMAT OpenGLPlot1.SunLine = Off; GMAT OpenGLPlot1.UseInitialView = On; GMAT OpenGLPlot1.StarCount = 7000; GMAT OpenGLPlot1.EnableStars = On; GMAT OpenGLPlot1.EnableConstellations = On; Create DynamicDataDisplay DynamicDataDisplay1; GMAT DynamicDataDisplay1.UpperLeft = [ 0 0 ]; GMAT DynamicDataDisplay1.Size = [ 0 0 ]; GMAT DynamicDataDisplay1.RelativeZOrder = 0; GMAT DynamicDataDisplay1.Maximized = false; GMAT DynamicDataDisplay1.AddParameters = {1, DefaultSC.ElapsedDays, DefaultSC.Earth.SMA}; GMAT DynamicDataDisplay1.AddParameters = {2, DefaultSC.EarthMJ2000Eq.X, ''}; GMAT DynamicDataDisplay1.RowTextColors = {1, [0 0 0], [0 0 0]}; GMAT DynamicDataDisplay1.RowTextColors = {2, [58 47 206], [0 0 0]}; GMAT DynamicDataDisplay1.WarnBounds = {DefaultSC.ElapsedDays, [0 0.2] }; GMAT DynamicDataDisplay1.WarnBounds = {DefaultSC.Earth.SMA, [0 10000] }; GMAT DynamicDataDisplay1.WarnBounds = {DefaultSC.EarthMJ2000Eq.X, [7000 9000] }; GMAT DynamicDataDisplay1.CritBounds = {DefaultSC.Earth.SMA, [0 40000] }; GMAT DynamicDataDisplay1.CritBounds = {DefaultSC.EarthMJ2000Eq.X, [5000 10000] }; GMAT DynamicDataDisplay1.WarnColor = [218 165 32]; GMAT DynamicDataDisplay1.CritColor = [255 0 0]; %---------------------------------------- %---------- Mission Sequence %---------------------------------------- BeginMissionSequence; Propagate 'Prop to Perigee' DefaultProp(DefaultSC) {DefaultSC.Periapsis}; % Burn in the velocity direction to reach an alternate Apoapsis point Target 'Raise and Circularize' DC {SolveMode = Solve, ExitMode = DiscardAndContinue, ShowProgressWindow = true}; Vary 'Vary TOI.V' DC(TOI.Element1 = 0.5, {Perturbation = 0.0001, Lower = 0, Upper = 3.14159, MaxStep = 0.2, AdditiveScaleFactor = 0.0, MultiplicativeScaleFactor = 1.0}); Maneuver 'Apply TOI' TOI(DefaultSC); Propagate 'Prop to Apogee' DefaultProp(DefaultSC) {DefaultSC.Apoapsis}; Achieve 'Achieve RMAG' DC(DefaultSC.Earth.RMAG = 42165, {Tolerance = 0.1}); Vary 'Vary GOI.V' DC(GOI.Element1 = 0.5, {Perturbation = 0.0001, Lower = 0, Upper = 3.14159, MaxStep = 0.2, AdditiveScaleFactor = 0.0, MultiplicativeScaleFactor = 1.0}); Maneuver 'Apply GOI' GOI(DefaultSC); Achieve 'Achieve ECC' DC(DefaultSC.ECC = 0, {Tolerance = 0.1}); UpdateDynamicData DynamicDataDisplay1; EndTarget; % For targeter DC Propagate 'Prop 1 Day' DefaultProp(DefaultSC) {DefaultSC.ElapsedSecs = 86400};